Sunday, August 18, 2024

TELEGRAPH> August 18, 2024 Sunday. Architect “Norman Foster” who b4 2012 gifted a box of cigars for our Senior Architect.

Alert issuing post search team engaged for Your Safe Return to health and home. So notice for health, safety, and guaranteed rights ASAP to similar advanced positions like ourselves Architects from world beyond town. Critical status upon larger event here by intelligence now for understanding by Architects and associates, to reach call by City of Calgary to build mediary information layer to communicate to public diverse, I understand above as contents on your table prior missing. Myself, on this item since before the fifth month of the previous year in 2023. Additional items incl as discussed last year in cabinet or on desk. Ann

Letter Enclosed:

Saturday, August 10, 2024

 This early textcopy for introducing my person under the emergent discipline of Design, at present commencing proceedings towards holding of records “in cabinet” (a technical term distinguishable from persons in councils also titled Cabinet, told to me perhaps in complaint after Social Studies class; here referring to another technical term titled “Paperwork”, previously stated as “$PAPERWORK” as applicable notion upon trials and discourse in intercoursing in parallel) - this textcopy is copyrighted by copyright laws effective in America, with such laws understood to become with Intellectual Property by laws and other legal proceedings towards framework in order, towards decreasing criminal patterns, such risks to be reduced especially where to be contained at scale countering difficult obstacles to stability such as lesser predictive reporting or alert, wherein existent copyright laws as a component [to protection of IP (intellectual including creative property]. To reiterate with added, the following is an early textcopy, possibly to be posted, on $BUSINESSCARD and to $WEBSITE and to ‘social media [enabled by technology rel computing and networking (digital electronic techndev’d by “the west)]… One more time, The following textcopy is early writing for introducing my person in professional context to be included in media kit. Thank you in advance. 

Hello, I am most delighted to be with information about my own businesses starting up. After more than thirty years in design, focusing early on in concept discovery, inspired by beauty and research, as well as in project carry over term of time lasting often from under a year to persisting into the present towards the future for some projects, a small firm in design of my own is being fostered. More recently, developments through understanding the power of law and language has also come within the studio practice. Projects include works in architecture of the traditional kind, proposals and materials available for reference for digital developments by Silicon Valley and vicinities, as well as information media. While ambitions lie small, engagements with industries’ top working persons have provided opportunity to explore and learn about the building of worlds. Community investments remain large as priority for study as welll as for experimental thought, while discourse continues to be basis for intellectual achievements. While the firm, to be registered and to find proper bookkeeping, and further, to discover associates and publication opportunity, will likely remain small rather than follow the hyper currents of our times, the dream to contribute to the emergent discipline and hopefully industry of design will stay on the horizon. I have two other businesses, one registered in New York City in Space and Earth specializing in logic, and a pet biz called Sticks, Stones, and Handkerchiefs. I hope you are agreeable to my introduction, which can be extended upon request for feedback and information.”

Above message in entirety made on older stable iPhone 

now requesting:

i. elite resecuring 


ii. restoration of phone and data service by service provider, post comprehension of most recent letter (just after midnight this morning 20240710 MT UTC) and consults to reference and experts at intelligence agency American, to be followed by effective secured action by the executive to company with Rogers charged with reinstating credit known to be available held by subsidiary or higher telecom company for full expected service to this dual citizenship Citizen to Canada. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

MESSAGE TO Norman Foster, believed to have departed Alberta after exhausting search effort still ongoing

 July 2024

Allo. In lieu of recognizable attendance due prior contact and acquaintance encounter meant connection to trust to effective action still early pending, and yet that present actions by more than one architecture offices working for the city where I am stalled in terms of private and business mobility, due forementioned, this short note is meant to be transferred to architect founder or architect administrator in charge for review. 

Concerning the item addressed in the previous line of dialog, to which a response in acknowlegment and expression of willingness to duty pertaining to position in architecture, here another, in regards a more pressing item, given that corresponding parties as to the level of excellence to this circle of architects to whom you have been the eldest in this generation, here a lead into a possible approach to strategy. Then hereby provided for your consideration: matters at hand being more urgent as per observations made and further in Toronto in year 2021, a clue for a beginning, any beginning, in additional to what already by more than two decades work suddenly reaching emission to high ranking politicians to public office short verbal proposal and to all relevant design delivered via world wide web, now per what noted before and then what requires likely soon… concerning the affair which you expressed failure to however last year showed interest insofar as contributions were possible from simple propositions given though yet extrapolated into design, such that fair compensation and more were possible in a future we do will into tomorrows - no official receipt you do have to send so further work possible. Work to records official must still require further before expression from architect and office, true? To the second, a design for taxonomic systemization for a new type of catalog yet invented for the negotiation between stakeholders including this company from which your firm did incubate and extend into the world further without our receiving records but despite - in any case such work is required as well. I do understand your duress at times is such: as you know, i joined a Swiss search and rescue team to seek you better than had heard you were located. In any case, as we all reach for recovery, to these businesses at hand, I am to understand that various have been out of sorts; I nevertheless send this such courtesy only; per that the differences between us too large, or that in what circumstances yet known each to each, so to open call or to my studio as continuance pursued without break since prior 1990 as you must become aware of this proven fact - so here close this letter from an architect to another, in hopes no further breaches escaping notice by courts for even every airport with its protocols and as many as I guard this here city too my second home so all values saved in architecture and in lives… this from one who just as fluent as you as architect, a letter out of respect for the senior architect who dwells and works and moreover in what secret knowledge despite years over a century lasting. 



<RECEIPIENT to this message: architect whose firm earlier started in the city hoped for to endure however circumstances, in South East Asia, known name is Norman Foster. SENDER of this message Ann with pseudonym ati designed for publishing to intrnetworking channels DATETIME July 26 2024 1545 MT AB>

Monday, June 3, 2024

Notes on advancing designers' studio to fill the possibility space towards industry's globality per community address of practical affairs of various kinds


Saturday, May 18, 2024

from Foster + Partners,

your position, concerning architects as audience (first?)

introduce yourself first (first?)

consider explaining the faith and upon that being to greater life the divine that informs and instills what particular, that the succession in mortal life does express for us not only by personal life but through architectural worlds could posit as    in the momentous and lasting works

that particular projects receive attention but only for public glimpses of the cultured knowledge is not so significant to us architects, yet proposed by the world at large in masses is that contributions are to not only signify effectively like a display but that quality of works suffer to quantity of trivial submissions injurious to the greater picture to which we pay closest attention, for the introduction seems weak, so many nowadays to think only that a building apparently physical were sufficient, remotely recalled barely, and no name of renownedness to some individual were sufficient to present, it would seem, to our times our own that could return to the world what was lost by the disregard even executively if minorly staffed. If only a greater understanding will not leave then this humanity not just in quality but in lasting eaning could come, despite under affects that distress - we could found a future where the air is light and the partitioning to strength - what is important today is a greater understanding.

Expressed in reality seems but momentary to us architects; however, to these times we must address what work is meant, just as what from above the message of home, that from the earliest we as architects are paying closest and most intimate attention to that spaces are granted and then at the earliest given by God, so then we have always advanced slowly, as though for the first time. Then here, to succeed is to not merely rend that which was before made our own as though a wealth by mere luck begotten, and rather to any the meaning and the necessity to fulfill all particulars as though legal terms and understanding to lie before, as from that which was granted to make like art the expressions of our own, so much smaller than the world given, but inclusive then only of fewer, yet those fewer could make more for those others, introducing then by responsibility after having that which we as architects are making through minute transections and conversations the ever more in community's social gains we used to call profit - then the practice of architecture begins to act as what environs almost ceding to the background of nature yet not ported away, to give the undefined opportunity for the peoples to find their own contributions to the public, hopefully as carefully as our own buildings' designs were made.

In Asia, our lot as architects and builders did fail and did triumph - what few new knowledge discovered would be gems and diamonds to inform, it is my hope with little log in error so do I believe it true, the first time the western architecture did find balance inside the urban spheres in Asia yet, the public in the West but especially for those of us in skyscraper architecture, the New World - we are in fact those still troubled with the importance of this reality rended into form in a new nature called terra novae, could our own in the Americas still recall?

Every introduction could deduce an affect into the world in which we were born - what but a city, but why a region, and how a hamlet or a township, yet still nation or country or lands - and what of establishments and courts and respected governments. Let us come together to discover not departure but a longer standing proposition to, after introducing who we are and what we do, not ceding grounds because of minor or petty differences, and reach for high grounds via positive exhibition of not merely buildings raised with heart and soul, but too that we can stand on our own two feet in a downtown or a main street, as the wind upon our head by the via ways - and plan together for this positive future which we could make, but not before thoughts reach letters reach conversation and dialog, and all this from a meta project from coordination. To found a new domain of work, how come life this comes to us naturally but per the hyperized pace of the global businesses yet the quality of the plan depends on not departure from our norms, but through individual and coordinated adaptation with revision including return to tradition, let our own be recognized by our own, but even heaven could call should train us to realize the miracle of our nature, that we could see the miracle and the created in each and any, in the minute as the great, that is the fortune and the importance of our existence.

To stand under, to be subjected, to come under - these are evils we must recognize. Few in the free world can understand just how the losses could be logged if such greatness in our works.  The accounts in business must be maintained, were that plan likewise to timetable just, the companies must not only bring goods of material type, but rather goods to their own and sometimes even over top of social gains.  The puzzles of life explicates how as individuals and tradition and companies - the decision to act is discovered in the process of works, so that in that our own decide too as "human beings" which we must admit we are, we should seek the organizing that leads, so as that although none should leave by enforcement, for the first time the arrangement could be quoted upon newly developed logics - what importance that the vying for common working business principles should find emerge in the future, the positive times in which we can celebrate with those who should be patrons, so leave behind foolish talk of such as why not return to slavery nor why not experiment with anciency - let our studios connect in introductory expressions, and let architectural time, these beyond human beings' grasp, be the substrate on which to find a timetable - for the quality of our own understanding be secret for the trade must reach the coherence that allows for succeeding the glorious past of architecture and realize tomorrow an abstract perhaps philosophical studio, of relevance to all our each studio.

reacting to this post on Foster + Partners May 17 2024:

"Our hope is that the visitor will leave this exhibition with a greater understanding of the importance of the environment, the urbanity of a city, the importance of the individual buildings and how all these come together to affect all of us - the quality of our urban life' Norman Foster, Founder and Executive Chairman at Foster and Partners.

In this video, Norman Foster introduces 'Future Positive', the first ever Foster + Partners exhibition in Korea. In its first few weeks at the Seoul Museum of Art, the exhibition has successfully introduced the work of renowned architect Norman Foster and his studio to Korean audiences for the first time.

Looking at projects led by Norman Foster and Foster + Partners from the 1960s to the present, 'Future Positive' pays particular attention to the practice's significant contribution to public spaces for culture and the arts, including art galleries and museums."

***Where are you Norman. Contact me.***

Was that you on Saturday June 1 2024? Search-and-Rescue representative advised to provide continuance to search efforts until confirmation of identity has occurred. If it was you who received support to return to place of hospital prior the first of June, please be alerted that current urban situation in city is dependent on architects' immediate availing of services as related to what termed "crisis risk management". Confirmation of identity with my person may be possible with currency in awareness of agenda as related to this city still present via your firm as . If you are a representative or interested party for Norman's safety, contact again for exchange of information     -20240603

Saturday, April 15, 2023

notes re raising skyscraper architecture

It is of note that roughly at the middle of the previous century, there rose the category of architecture called "international architecture."  In the name is implied that there exists architecture which is raised for communities across different nation states.  This call was made at this point in time after the League of Nations transpired during the war efforts; it was at this time when countries around the world initiate the legal establishment of nation states.  For the label of "international architecture" to have been designed, the intention behind the design of the name must be to note the significance of the nation-state polities in their acceptance of architecture which was being proposed as a common architecture for the Western world.  Yet, the governments in each nation state cannot in each case act as the sole decision-making stakeholder that could sign for the purchase of new architecture, because not in all cases were they representative of all demographics which are affected in the locale.  Furthermore, the governments have not yet the capacities to act without due information and advice on how to enable the populace to work with such architecture, which is at a physical scale and novel nature, without disrupting continuity in urban development.  For this reason, extensive consultations and investigations, in addition to consent by stakeholders and local architects, as well as preparations, must occur before actions that affect the urban landscape could be taken.  Nevertheless, the engagement with the administrative branches of polities is implied in the name of "international architecture."

Saturday, July 2, 2022

 A skyscraper can be many things, or better stated, many-sided or multifaceted. It can even have a metaphorical or descriptive aspect. But another thing it cannot be, especially to the patroning individuals utilizing its spaces and functional provisions. Architecture is primarily for those who inhabit its spaces.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Towards building why

  Going to the Moon is very important for the future of humanity.  The promise of peace as the natural state of being beckons where beyond the earth where our lineages have had such a long record of development.  What had been difficult centuries and millennia before were overcome in many ways so that peace is possible.  Peace is not only the beginning but the goal.  To be together without lamely thinking ourselves as like unthinking beings out for gains lasting a moment or two - we are beings that dream and plan and work in cooperation to realize the worthwhile realities.  The idea that the moon is a new beginning is the idea that we can start anew.  It is the new frontier in the sense that the Americas has been the new world.  The land of opportunity and dreams, the society of peace and order.  

The sight of the bright white moon in its phase strikes me with a profound sense of contentment and reassurance.  The presence of the first and immediate celestial body.  A place we haven’t been, a place we will soon go.  Everything is possible.  The way there will be made.  That this one here is possible makes the rest across the incomprehensibility in vastness also there and teeming with the possibility of real existence.  To make this first step, the importance cannot be overstated.  Just as venturing from the stasis of tradition to a realm of pure potential was the foundation in human action that allow the dream of the ideals and values defining societies today in the Americas.  What is freedom?  What is hard work?  What is making?  The move to the moon will not be merely a duplication of circumstances and choices.  Just the same, the endeavors into space will bring those to new heights of human experience.  What these realities could be we will never discover should we not venture beyond this home of a vibrant and lush garden. 

Carl Sagan wrote that we are upon the cosmic shore gazing into the deep oceans of space.  The grand stage of unknown proportions from these sittings of such modest proportion.  The amphitheater the presents an infinite count of drama depicting all that could be possible beyond the reach of any or all of our imagination.  What presence, what meaning could be discovered and made that I am this one, here, this small subjectivity, that exists within what is all and could contemplate my own existence within all that is and changes.  From the moon is a new vantage offering a view into what surrounds us everyday and every moment, which yet eludes us as we travel through the wonderful devices of our own making, under the firmament of the blue sky.

Friday, March 18, 2022

 "As much as level designers try to emulate the design of the real-world, we spend just as much time trying to work around the limitations those rules impose.  We strive to create a world the player can understand and relate to, but then we add elements - not for their function - but because their presence is indicative and convincing of a deeper, richer world than the one we have actually constructed." p179

"We pick and choose from the world we know to create one we don't, curating aspects of our environment, shuffling them around, and reseating them to give a sense of the familiar in pursuit of something fun." p181

from The Making of Dust: Architecture and the Art of Level Design by David Johnston

Thursday, March 3, 2022


a form of governance where people through their selective inclination place various emphases at various sites of influence, culminating in the constitutional act of voting for leaders in effective roles in government

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(the commendable drawing with 
the re-interpretational crop)


Sunday, December 19, 2021


Accra, Ghana

(Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum and Memorial Park)

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Thursday, July 7, 2016


Eye of Horus eco-house, Luis De Garrido Architects

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Thursday, June 23, 2016

viewing pavilion

Dorte Mandrup Arkitekter Selected to Design Viewing Pavilion at Greenland’s Icefjord archdaily
Dorte Mandrup link

Thursday, June 16, 2016


Arthur Woods,
blog post at Astronomers Without Border link (scroll down to read 4 part blog entries
personal website link

architecture, art

My ultimate dream is to build in space. I am an abstract thinker. In order to build in space, I believe that one has to build first for the many peoples and societies on this earth. What are our common values? What can breach the vastness of space that we only in this century begin to discover? Art in orbit has become a reality. Architecture must follow if we believe in and find the necessity to explore. A sacred space where we can measure what is human to what is the solar system, to galaxy, and ultimately the universe. For this I have an idea in mind. But at once I feel that service to the inhabitants of the earth is a foundation for reaching our loftier goals. To build temples, parks, churches, institutional buildings of culture, schools, court houses, hospitals, gas stations, entertainment and recreation venues, housing, parkades, office buildings, monuments, libraries, and so on: these are architecture for the everyday person. Though their needs may differ, the purpose is the same - shelter, enclosure, openness, programmatic requirements, communication, and at the utmost, inspiration. This inspiration can cross boundaries; art and architecture are bridges, abstract bridges that can reach beyond space and time.