Friday, March 18, 2022

 "As much as level designers try to emulate the design of the real-world, we spend just as much time trying to work around the limitations those rules impose.  We strive to create a world the player can understand and relate to, but then we add elements - not for their function - but because their presence is indicative and convincing of a deeper, richer world than the one we have actually constructed." p179

"We pick and choose from the world we know to create one we don't, curating aspects of our environment, shuffling them around, and reseating them to give a sense of the familiar in pursuit of something fun." p181

from The Making of Dust: Architecture and the Art of Level Design by David Johnston

Thursday, March 3, 2022


a form of governance where people through their selective inclination place various emphases at various sites of influence, culminating in the constitutional act of voting for leaders in effective roles in government

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(the commendable drawing with 
the re-interpretational crop)