Saturday, August 10, 2024

 This early textcopy for introducing my person under the emergent discipline of Design, at present commencing proceedings towards holding of records “in cabinet” (a technical term distinguishable from persons in councils also titled Cabinet, told to me perhaps in complaint after Social Studies class; here referring to another technical term titled “Paperwork”, previously stated as “$PAPERWORK” as applicable notion upon trials and discourse in intercoursing in parallel) - this textcopy is copyrighted by copyright laws effective in America, with such laws understood to become with Intellectual Property by laws and other legal proceedings towards framework in order, towards decreasing criminal patterns, such risks to be reduced especially where to be contained at scale countering difficult obstacles to stability such as lesser predictive reporting or alert, wherein existent copyright laws as a component [to protection of IP (intellectual including creative property]. To reiterate with added, the following is an early textcopy, possibly to be posted, on $BUSINESSCARD and to $WEBSITE and to ‘social media [enabled by technology rel computing and networking (digital electronic techndev’d by “the west)]… One more time, The following textcopy is early writing for introducing my person in professional context to be included in media kit. Thank you in advance. 

Hello, I am most delighted to be with information about my own businesses starting up. After more than thirty years in design, focusing early on in concept discovery, inspired by beauty and research, as well as in project carry over term of time lasting often from under a year to persisting into the present towards the future for some projects, a small firm in design of my own is being fostered. More recently, developments through understanding the power of law and language has also come within the studio practice. Projects include works in architecture of the traditional kind, proposals and materials available for reference for digital developments by Silicon Valley and vicinities, as well as information media. While ambitions lie small, engagements with industries’ top working persons have provided opportunity to explore and learn about the building of worlds. Community investments remain large as priority for study as welll as for experimental thought, while discourse continues to be basis for intellectual achievements. While the firm, to be registered and to find proper bookkeeping, and further, to discover associates and publication opportunity, will likely remain small rather than follow the hyper currents of our times, the dream to contribute to the emergent discipline and hopefully industry of design will stay on the horizon. I have two other businesses, one registered in New York City in Space and Earth specializing in logic, and a pet biz called Sticks, Stones, and Handkerchiefs. I hope you are agreeable to my introduction, which can be extended upon request for feedback and information.”

Above message in entirety made on older stable iPhone 

now requesting:

i. elite resecuring 


ii. restoration of phone and data service by service provider, post comprehension of most recent letter (just after midnight this morning 20240710 MT UTC) and consults to reference and experts at intelligence agency American, to be followed by effective secured action by the executive to company with Rogers charged with reinstating credit known to be available held by subsidiary or higher telecom company for full expected service to this dual citizenship Citizen to Canada. 

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